THE Natural Way
of Breathing

ETP int. is dedicated to promote proper breathing techniques for individuals of all ages. Our motivating, durable, and eco-friendly products are affordable for everyone and can help Millions of people.
ETP int. is a spin-off from Vital Health Products BV, from the Netherlands, founded in 2007 by Anton F.M. Bende, an award-winning Medical Ergonomist, and developer of NasiVent.

Prevalence of MouthBreathing?

Due to an early miss education, and a Sedentary lifestyle, people develop a wrong breathing habit “Mouth breathing” the cause of many unhealthy symptom’s. You can Change it now.

Studies have shown that 71% of all adults are mouth breathers at night, which is an early adopted incorrect habit.
Our Motivating, Durable, and environment-friendly products are an affordable solutions for all ages and all people.

using the Breathbit combo, you can forget the skin-irritating and choking mouth plasters.
with our new DuckBill-based Breathing Mouth shield. one-time purchase goes for Years!

The most unknown and main reason which causes mouth-breathing at night.
Our Natural "Nasal cycle" made us unconscious breathing from the left nostril to the right and back. We all have this phenomenon to keep our nasal cavities moist and healthy. Because of this Nasal Cycle, often we are not able to breathe free through the nose, and when we sleep; mouthbreathing is borne. When this is not corrected we start an incorrect unhealthy habit and sleep apnea. Here is where Ergo Traning Products are coming in.

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Life-changing products! Improved my breathing and overall health. Highly recommend to everyone.

Joan Berrys... Belfort USA.

I am amazed by the quality and effectiveness of these products. Truly a game-changer for me.
I did not have one second the feeling that I had to use my 3months warranty. These unique products are wonderful.

Marianne Deparis US.
